Realife Tech CEO Adam Goodyer: “The utility of mobile apps for venues and stadiums is going to be huge when we come back following COVID.” (Courtesy Realife Tech) App can deliver personalized COVID safety info to venue guests London based company Realife Tech uses mobile data science to understand consumer behavior in venues. The technology can help with making customers feel safe about going to live events again. VenuesNow reached out to Realife Tech CEO Adam Goodyer to find out exactly how. The company has introduced the COVID Safety Hub, which is designed to do three things: reduce crowding, i.e., the amount of time people are standing in queues; make it easier to find products on site, so guests don’t have to aimlessly wander around the building; and inform guests about the best time to arrive at, enter and exit the venue. In case the event takes place at a… Continue Reading Realife Tech Rolls Out ‘Safety Hub’