“I have faith that the live industry will return to glory, sooner than we might think is possible. I have faith that we will realize again this Golden Era.” How does one begin to sum up 2020? Lots of folks, particularly media pundits, are going to try, coming at it from whatever lens through which they view the world. My view, as ever, is through the lens of live entertainment, colored by personal experience, flavored by peers I love and admire, colleagues, acquaintances, heroes, legends, and barroom banter, and propped up by hard data, projections, statistics, conjecture, guesses, and no small amount of BS. In the end, I can come up with one word that sums up this year like no other: loss. We lost irreplaceable artists, particularly on the live performance front. I won’t list them all, but from my personal perspective, artists who influenced my own life and… Continue Reading Letter From Ray Waddell