Author: Don Muret

Minor Leagues, Major Decisions

EARLY ARRIVALS: At Luther Williams Field, Georgia’s Macon Bacon were among the first baseball teams with fans in the stands after the shutdown last year. (Courtesy team) Across the country, owners have weighed the wisdom of going dark vs. playing on, all with the goal of making it past the pandemic Ken Young owns five minor league baseball teams, stretching from Norfolk, Virginia, to Albuquerque, New Mexico. Every Monday during the pandemic, the general managers of those clubs send him an update on the available cash on hand and whether Young needs to replenish those coffers. Those exchanges are tough to swallow, as they have been for everybody working in sports and entertainment. For Young, who also serves as executive chairman of Spectra Food Services and Hospitality, the losses he incurred from the cancellation of Minor League Baseball in 2020 run in the “multiple millions of dollars.” “I sit around… Continue Reading Minor Leagues, Major Decisions

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